Sunday, October 7, 2007

Locking Horns

We went on our walk this morning on a windy and blustery day. We ended up at the Filberg Lodge, a wonderful park right on the water in Comox. Deer were scattered all over the lawns since hardly anyone was there.

Does and fawns covered the area, stopping their munching only to gaze up at us as we walked by. They were so used to humans and fairly comfortable, although jumpy if you got too close.

As we were leaving we happened to see something I have never seen before. We just stood there awed as two bucks pushed and shoved each other around with their antlers. This was no fight to the death, just a little show of supremacy.

When we lived in downtown Vancouver the closest we got to deer was when we went camping. Now in so many of these small towns in BC they are everywhere, on the roads, in the fields, all over the golf course and of course in your back garden. Everyone has a fenced vegetable garden.

The wonders of house sitting never end.

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